Releasing and Healing From Your Home




Are you ready to bring healing and releasing to all parts of your body including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual?

Your healing session will be done with you in your home and me in mine.  I will tune into your body (with your permission) to help you release stuck energies that may have been there for days, weeks, months, or even years. These releases can range from physical, mental, or spiritual challenges, to emotional traumas.  It all depends on what you are ready and willing to let go of during your session.

Your session will be done over 2 days. Day 1 is for cleansing, balancing and removing old stagnant “gunk” to allow new more alive energies to shift.  Day 2 is to bless your new energetic body and to check in to see if anything else came up to be addressed. Day 1 will take between 45 min to an hour and Day 2 will take about 20 min. (this is done on 2 consecutive days)


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